37 Derby Street, Suite 4, Hingham, MA 02043
Call Us 781-690-2636
increase employee resilience & productivity –

Corporate Mindfulness Training

According to the American Institute for Stress, the cost of stress in the American workplace is estimated at almost $300 billion annually due to absenteeism, lower productivity, and rising health care costs.

Mindful Presence’s corporate mindfulness meditation program helps reverse these costs by equipping employees with tools that improve their focus, productivity, and resilience.

Mindfulness for Workplaces » Corporate Mindfulness Training

What You Will Learn

Corporate mindfulness meditation enables employees to make effective decisions in their organizations and career by cultivating a rational mind to observe clearly the situation at hand, and bring objectivity to every situation.   In Mindful Presence’s corporate mindfulness training sessions, employees learn techniques to:

  • Reduce anxiety, stress and tension
  • Adapt to rapid industry changes & consumer demands
  • Accomplish goals in an efficient, focused, and productive manner
  • Increase creativity and ability to innovate beyond self-imposing limits
  • Listen mindfully with attending skills, following skills, and reflective responses
  • Work confidently with coworkers, managers, and other employees
  • Handle goal feedback, whether it is perceived as positive or negative, and respond wisely
  • Rebound more easily from adversity, conflict, or failure
  • Gain health and wellness benefits


Mindful Presence offers both introductory and multi-week corporate mindfulness training sessions. Each option is designed around your company’s specific needs and goals.

Introduction to Corporate Mindfulness – $795/group

A 90 minute introductory session in mindfulness meditation for people with or without previous meditation experience. Learn what mindfulness meditation is, the science behind it and how to practice.

Multi-week Corporate Mindfulness – $600/week

Benefit from a sampling of different techniques and the ability to establish lifelong mindfulness at both work and home. Mindfulness meditation training is provided over a period of several weeks and is based on your specific group requirements.  The typical time-frame to establish a regular mindfulness routine in the workplace is 6-8 weeks.


The work we do in and out of these sessions requires effort and consistency. Mindfulness and meditation can only be of lasting value if you have the discipline to practice regularly, as well as the motivation to try and be mindful throughout your day. Daily practice is expected.

Meditation is an important part of mindfulness, whether you initially enjoy it or not, as it awakens you to your current situation. When you practice with an alert and open mind for just a little bit of time, you will begin to recognize the benefits that naturally occur and become accustomed to the practice.


Learn more about how mindfulness influences attention, with downstream effects on functional domains of cognition, emotion, behavior, and physiology in this integrative review from the Journal of Management.

Book Appointment

Please provide your details below and we will follow up to schedule an appointment at your desired date, time and location. 

37 Derby Street, Suite 4, Hingham, MA 02043

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